
Orange Segments

5x7 in., oil on board


Unknown said...

wow! this one's really nice - the looseness of it all works really well, and yet, the orange segments still hold a good sense of form and space. Do you have any video demos up anywhere online?

Justin Clayton said...

Thanks Michelle,

I've got a few short videos from a few years ago here:


They're not exactly demos but they may be helpful in someway.

Don Coker said...

Nice piece, Justin!

Debbie Lamey-MacDonald said...

Really love this one Justin! It has such a light and airy feel--so cheerful. Wonderful job!

PaintingLover said...

wowwwwww. simple yet amazing painting

Christopher Greco said...

Beautifully suggestive and masterfully painted

Helen Ström said...

Just beautifully juicy!!