The subject we chose was Van, a friend of mine. Not only did Van endure our artistic prods "Face to the right... stand up... hold that" etc. he also sat patiently for a few hours so I could paint the portrait. Thanks for being our guinea pig Van.

14x11 in., oil on linen panel

Matt Clayton Photography
I LOVE it!
aaahhhhh!!!! i love this.
Wow! Besides an amazingly good looking subject :) you and Matt are extremely talented. Amazing...
What a great idea - and the results are amazing. I've just had a quick look at Matt's blog but am very impressed by his photos.
And your painting is just great. Strong, serene, fresh. And the blue of the collar is spot on perfect. (oh yes, have to add this as well: gorgeous subject....).
You seemed to have capture more than just his physical features. There is real soulful attitude in his face. There is also a freshness in the handling of the brush that comes through. Great piece of art.
Fantastic portrait!
Beautiful!!! All three - the painting, the foto and the Model :)
Love this
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